

Modern Writers

  • Modern Writers:Great short stories are still being written today. Here are a few from the past 20 years that may are well worth a read.
  • "Meneseteung"
    •  by Alice Munro: While the narrative devices used in telling the story might be confusing at first, readers who persevere will be rewarded with a rich tale spanning several decades.
  • "The Happy Man" by Jonathan Lethem: In this story, a man has the ability to make visits to hell despite still being alive, something that confuses and frustrates both he and his family.
  • "The Second Bakery Attack" by Haruki Murakami: Bizarre and almost dreamlike, this story seems simple but will have you thinking back to it after you’ve finished.
  • "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx: You’d have to be living in a cave not to have heard of this cowboy love story. This narrative is just as moving as the Oscar-winning movie it inspired.
  • "The Story" by Amy Bloom: Like metafiction? Pick up this self-reflective, playful story that takes a look at the idea of storytelling itself.